
Findings from the Every Can Counts European Survey. See long description

87%的欧洲人希望公司只使用可无限回收的包装. 人们认为减少浪费和鼓励个人回收利用是保护环境的必要举措.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

每罐计数(ECC)最新的消费者调查结果强调,一个真正可持续的未来需要政府和饮料品牌之间的密切合作. The Recycling Habits and Attitude in Europe 2022 survey explores current recycling habits, 确定增加回收的障碍和动机(特别是在户外), 评估有关铝饮料罐回收的知识,并揭示与欧洲消费者有关的信息. 

Nearly 13,000 respondents were surveyed from 14 European countries, including Belgium, Serbia, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Poland, Czech Republic, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and France. Nine in 10 said protecting the environment and recycling is important, 但绝大多数人认为,政府和企业在应对相关挑战方面做得还不够. 三分之二的调查参与者认为,减少浪费和鼓励个人回收利用是保护环境的必要策略. 十分之九的受访者还表示,公司应该对他们使用的包装负责,包装应该是完全可回收的. Consumers recognize they must play their part as well, 十分之七的受访者表示,他们应该对自己在产品包装方面的选择负责. 

The message is clear: Recycling in Europe is not living up to its potential. 消费者需要政府、品牌、零售商和包装行业的帮助才能做得更好. The top three initiatives consumers would like to see implemented to increase recycling rates are: using only 100% recyclable packaging (53%); more recycling in public areas (52%); and a deposit return program (50%).

At 云顶集团糖果游戏, 我们已经意识到这些迫切的需求,并一直在努力实现雄心勃勃的目标,以加速向真正的循环经济过渡. 支持像ECC这样的战略举措是我们促进最佳循环的方式之一, one of the pillars of our Twentyby30 sustainability program. As part of our goal to recycle and reuse valuable resources and minimize waste, we recently announced our 2030 global recycling goals for aluminum beverage cans. 在我们运营的欧洲、中东和非洲国家,我们力争到2030年实现80%的回收率.

Moving toward these targets will involve several critical steps:

  • 改善回收途径:与行业合作伙伴共同努力,帮助改善公共环境, on-the-go and at-home recycling access.
  • 教育:鼓励消费者了解回收用过的饮料罐的重要性.
  • 可以捕获:帮助资助设备进步,以改善回收中心的分类过程和效率.
  • 回收政策支持:让行业协会和合作伙伴参与影响支持循环的政策.

向更加循环的经济转型将是一个持续改进的过程, dedication and learning. As a metal packaging manufacturer, 我们致力于尽自己的一份力,并与消费者的情绪和价值观保持一致. 我们很高兴看到消费者认识到并支持增加回收以及促进这一过程的包装解决方案. Metal packaging, with its inherent sustainability credentials, is well-positioned to respond to their demands. 

For more information about our sustainability efforts, visit eagle1027.com/sustainability.